This Blog article could probably be the Most Important article you’ll ever read on Home Ownership.
And the next best thing You MUST DO dear blog reader after reading this article today is to take immediate action. Why? Because without this action, You may never be able to build and/or invest in Your own dream house till kingdom come because inaction, procrastination and ignorance could be the reasons why You may still be a Tenant.
Well, the problem may have been one or more of the following main reasons elaborated below.
The Holy Bible says and I quote:
"A Double Minded Man Is Unstable In All His Ways" - JAMES1:8 (KJV).
As the Holy Bible rightly puts it up above, One of the many reasons why a lot of people are still tenants is because they are Undecided or rather they haven’t yet made up their minds to become home owners or landlords. The starting point of all achievement is ‘A Burning Desire'. A ‘Burning Desire' to become a home owner or landlord. If your Desire is Strong Enough and you seriously Decide to build and/or invest in your own house, nothing can stop you from achieving that goal. If you make up your mind today to become a homeowner, you will be surprised as to how much speed you will gather when it comes to building your own house.
The only problem is that many people have misplaced priorities. Home Ownership isn’t a top priority for them! Razzmatazz through posh looking cars and expensive daily lifestyle choices is their top priority. “Baza Ziba Bwanji?” (How are other people going to know) – Except through Razzmatazz (showing off) – to reflect a Powerful and Well to do Impactful lifestyle! And if that reflects you my dear friend, then good luck!
Sometimes fear can be good. When you are afraid that things are going to get worse if you don’t do something, it can prompt you into doing something positive about that situation. But it is not good when you are so afraid that the fear keeps you from doing that positive something. Most people look at their current unpalatable financial situation and get discouraged and are afraid of attempting a great project like building and/or investing in a house of their own.
In my case, I started with a very small amount of money namely K6,500 (which was roughly about $300) at that time which enabled me to first of all buy a piece of virgin land in Chestone Township, Lusaka City, and then started developing it later on at my own time and pace. And today this house earns me a monthly rental income of K1,800 (approximately $180 per month! Guaranteed monthly rental income - whether I work or not.
Also, remember that you’re not in a race against any one whatsoever. Simply commence that building or home investment project of yours at your own time and complete it at the pace you’re comfortable with. Never attempt to compete against any one. It’ll only make you become stressful for nothing and stress is something to be avoided at all costs. WHY? Because stress isn’t good for your overall health.
So, buy a piece of land with what you have at your disposal right now and then other stages will follow later on. One good thing about building a house is that it is in stages!
I discuss various home investment strategies in greater detail HERE with or without any money at all.
This is another reason why many people never own or build their own houses. This is why I have endeavored to write this very blog article here to help you figure out what might have been holding you back.
Information and/or Knowledge is Potential Power. It ONLY becomes Great Power when applied. However, merely possessing information or knowledge about home ownership may not guarantee your success out rightly but NOT possessing or rather disregarding such vital information or knowledge may make it pragmatically impossible for you to even own your own home.
So, start by getting investment information or knowledge first. If you lack information or knowledge about something or a particular subject, you will gamble and gambling is terribly dangerous. Why? Because you’ll end up making costly mistakes that will result in you loosing your hard earned money. Therefore, to be forewarned is to be forearmed! GET informed by clicking ->HERE!
This is another reason why some people are still tenants because they depend on Only one source of income and that is their job. Their income is not enough and they have not looked for alternative ways of supplementing their little income from their regular day jobs.
In fact, it has now become old fashioned to rely solely on one source of income these days!
So, try by all means possible to diversify your income portfolio. There are a number of things one can do to help increase one’s income levels like this part time business for instance ->HERE!.
This is a type of business that allows one to do it purely in their spare time without necessarily disturbing or stopping whatever one is currently doing. It actually helps people to multiply their income sources to enable them achieve their goals of either financial freedom or simply building and/or investing in their own dream houses!
You Might Exclaim, “I Do Not Have Any Money and/or Capital At All To Do The Things I Want Such As Building Or Investing In My Own Home”
Well, here is what Napoleon Hill, author of the most popular and influential book of all times ‘Think and Grow Rich’ had to say about Capital or Money in his other best seller book entitled, ‘How To Sell Your Way Through Life’ and I quote him below:
"All Anyone Really Requires As Capital On Which To Start A Successful Career Is: 1. A Sound Mind, 2. A Healthy Body And 3. A Genuine Desire To Be Of As Much Service As Possible To As Many People As Possible."
And perhaps the fourth point to add to Napoleon Hill’s formula for Capital is this -> Value Addition! Why? Because Value = Income.
Here are Five (5) Reasons why Value Addition is an Essential Additive Component to Napoleon Hill’s FREE Capital Formula mentioned above:
a) Value comes First before Money,
b) Value is in People. In other words, People place Value on Things,
c) The Intangibles e.g. Knowledge, Understanding,Wisdom, Intuition, Skill, Talent, Information etc, are More Valuable than the Tangibles,
d) Value is Determined by the Number of People you are able to Serve or Attract at a particular point in time,
e) Not only must you offer Things of High Value BUT also those Things must be of Good Quality!
So, make sure you add Value to the Things you do and money problems will be a thing of the past and eventually buying, building and/or investing in your own dream house will be much easier and highly possible.
However, if You find Napoleon Hill’s FREE Capital Formula hard to apply, then Here are 5 Other FREE Money Making Ideas for Your own Consideration:
i. Turn What You Know or Your Expertise, Professional Skill,Talents, and/or Gifts into Profitable Training e.g. Producing some educational or training programs like Dvds, books, cds, etc in specific topics intended to Help Other People GET ANSWERS to their specific Problems.
You see, dear blog article reader and friend, between the ears of every person or every organization’s employees, their is knowledge, skill, talent, know-how and expertise that goes largely unused.
As an example, one of my many American business mentors used to work for a certain high-tech company selling networking equipment. He realized that their customers desperately needed to KNOW what his own support staff knew - (That's why they were calling for support and help in the first p lace.)
Moreover, he also knew of a service /installation company in Pennsylvania, USA, that literally had vast experience with this kind of equipment than any other company in the country.
So, with the help of this very particular company in Pennsylvania, He assembled a Training Program and they together sold it to their customers for $1,500 a head. Every $1 they spent mailing their customers flyers about their training events, earned them back $8 in sales.
And by the way, please understand that, before they did this, they were NOT even remotely in the training or seminar business. Their main business was selling industrial equipment. But the training programs or materials they created earned them an extra revenue stream and it also did something else great: It positioned them as Experts for training on this very particular technology in their Industry.
ii. Sell Other People's Stuff - Such as books, cds, dvds,clothes, or indeed any other products and services to earn yourself some profit; for instance, like this opportunity ->HERE!
Or alternatively, simply partner with us in this very real estate business and help refer the people you know to us so they can buy what we offer in terms of real property and then earn yourself some commission for referring others to us. If interested, then please get in touch with me and we will formalize everything!
iii. Get Yourself Any Kind of Job or Extra Job Regardless of Whether You Like it or Not.
The rationale behind all this is just for you to help yourself earn some extra cash whilst you organize yourself financially.
iv. License Something You Have Rights To To Another Person or Organization - I'll again just stick to the example I already gave you above.
Once my American business mentor who I mentioned above had this training system in place, he decided to sell it or rather license it to another major trade organization who in turn sold it to their 300 member companies.
If therefore, you happen to have any kind of real business,then you probably have something you can license to somebody else to help you earn some extra cash to enable you buy or invest in your dream house!
v. Tollgate Joint Ventures - If you're 'only' a consultant or freelancer, but you have friends or clients who do have a "real business", You can license their know-how to others and keep some of the profits in your pocket. That's called a Tollgate Joint Venture. The essence of doing this is making it easy for the people on both sides.
Therefore, be willing to do the donkey-work and make it easy for yourself to earn yourself some extra cash as well as others and you'll discover that there's little resistance and thus enable you buy, build and/or invest in your own dream house.
This is another reason why you may still be a tenant and why you may not yet have built your own home. Taking the wrong advice from the wrong people can be quite detrimental to your goal of building your own house. This is why you must mingle with people who will give you sound financial and real estate investment advice.
If your associates are those people that already own their own houses, chances are that, they will also advise you on how to build and own your own house too. Just make sure you avoid the classic case of the blind leading the blind scenario.
This is another reason why people postpone building their own houses because the channels of their expenses are so many and even the competing liabilities are also more than the income coming in. Expenses such as heavy beer drinking, smoking, careless spending of your hard earned money on girl-friends, etc must all be seriously curtailed.
Spend your money on what I like to call ‘Productive Expenditures’ rather than on ‘Unproductive Expenditures’. Productive Expenditures are expenditures where their is a very high chance of you getting back the money you’ve spent e.g. advertising, money spent educating yourself in matters of investment like real estate investment books, paying someone to mentor you, etc . Whereas Unproductive Expenditures are expenditures where their is completely no chance of you getting back your money once you’ve spent it e.g. heavy beer drinking and money given to girl-friends for naught. Yes, you may give something to your girl-friends for services rendered, BUT at least give responsibly rather than extravagantly!
So, ensure that you control your expenses and think of diverse ways of multiplying your income sources rather than relying solely on one source. And if you’re to spend your money, then at least spend it on "Productive Expenditures" as opposed to "Unproductive Expenditures".
The issue is not about not having money to use to build, invest or rather buy your own dream property, but the real issue is having money and yet spending it on all the wrong things. Or worse still, having money and yet not know where and how to spend it productively!
Some people are so down-right negative in their thinking and believe that it is not possible for them to buy land and build a house of their own.
Also their fear of loosing their hard earned money through crooked land dealers or estate agents is more than the pleasure associated with building and/or owning their own dream home. This kind of mental attitude can have such a paralyzing effect on one and make you become a nonentity in your life.
The key is to reverse this trend with caution in mind of course!
Others have this terrible habit of wanting to eat and enjoy heavily NOW and then suffer the consequences later. In other words, they are not willing to sacrifice Now and pay the price of discipline of cutting one luxury for the sake of building and completing that dream house of theirs. They believe in eating now and leaving everything else to chance rather than careful planning.
To some, Old Man Procrastination has been the main reason.This is simply the habit of putting off something which is supposed to be done today for instance, to tomorrow or the other day. It has always been next year “I will do something” and before you know it, it is already five years and you have not yet taken steps to begin that something. Yet in that period, you could have built that house instead of wasting time procrastinating!
For some people, it is simply laziness. They are not ready to do that extra work or simply start that part time business that will help them earn extra income to buy land and build and finish their house. They prefer watching television programs and/or engage themselves in other recreational activities like drinking beer the whole day than to engage themselves in some income generating projects like this one for instance ->HERE!.
The worst of all these reasons is the classic case of Waiting for the Right or Perfect Time to buy land, build and finish that house of your choice.
Time will never be just Right or Perfect for you my dear friend. Start with whatever tools and financial resources you have right now at your command and then better tools will be found as you go along the way.
The Secret is to just START!
If you have realized like many people who have read this blog article that you need to buy a piece of land and build yourself a house of your own, then please click ->HERE for a detailed list of plots for sale. Alternatively, if you're looking for a HOUSE to BUY, then click->HERE for a list of houses to buy. Or if you feel you're still not yet ready to buy and/or invest in your own dream house now and therefore prefer renting houses for ever and ever, then please click->HERE for a list of properties for rent.
Hope you got blessed by this blog article. Moreover, please, "LIKE" our Facebook-Page ->HERE if you found this information valuable as well as hit the "Share Button" to help spread the word around concerning such good and empowering information.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I love to hear your comments; both positive and negative ones are all welcome. They make me improve my works!
So, dear blog article reader, go right ahead and drop your comments below....!
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David Kapalu is a Real Estate Investment Consultant who happens to be a duly Registered Member of the Zambian Institute of Estate Agents, an Internet Marketing Specialist, Motivational Speaker, Public Speaker, Life Coach, Crypto-Currency Investor and Enthusiast and Trainer. He is also a 4th Year Bachelor’s Degree Law Student Studying with the Zambian Open University. He is Someone who Understands his Subject so Well and Knows how to Reduce Complex Matters into Simple to Understand Matters.
Therefore, Call/WhatsApp/Sms him right now on +260 966 388525 and contract him for one on one real estate investment advice!
He also stands ready to be booked for speaking engagements as well as offer free and paid radio and television interviews with any individual or organization interested in him sharing his deep insight and understanding of real estate matters as well as offer legal advice pertaining to land rights and ownership in the Zambian Market Land Scape!