In most cases people are too busy and preoccupied with issues of bread and butter to feed their families that they give little or no thought at all regarding the choice of their house whether for rent or for purchase.
For those that have a little bit of time on their side, they either simply rush out in the field and start searching in order to beat this limited time they have on their side due to busy work schedules and in the process end up making costly blunders resulting in them loosing and regretting afterwards! And in most cases, people choose to search on their own in order to avoid the service charges associated with engaging real estate agents. And they are right! WHY? Because there are so many illegal and unscrupulous real estate agents out there in the world whose sole agenda on their mind is to make a quick buck out of their clients in terms of viewing fees and other service charges.
At the same time, there are those people that do have a little bit of money to spend, value their time greatly and therefore have no problems whatsoever engaging the services of real estate agents. To these kinds of people, money is not an issue. They can spend it the way they want without giving any serious thought about it. However, the ONLY potential problem they are likely to face is finding the WRONG kind property whether for rent or purchase.
Therefore, whether you happen to have a lot of money to dish out to real estate agents or have a lot of time at your disposal to do it by yourself or have a combination of both, what are some of the ESSENTIAL things you must look out for when searching for a house to rent or rather a piece of property to buy?
Well, here is a list of the Five Essential Things You Must Always Look Out for when looking at and Assessing a Piece of Restate Property:
1. The Plumbing Section of The House: When I talk of the plumbing section of the house, I’m simply referring to the piping without irritating leakages, bathroom and the toilet areas. These are the areas that make a woman proud because cleanliness starts from here. And inversely these are the same areas that make a woman influence his man not to rent or buy the house in question.
2. The Kitchen Area: Again this is the woman’s pride. Make sure the kitchen is at least spacious and nicely done. That is to say, the kitchen has nice cabinets and cupboards. And is nicely painted.
3. Electrical Fittings: This is also another crucial area to look out for when searching for a house to rent or buy. The electrical fittings must be safely fitted to avoid any shocks and uncalled for sparks. This also makes it safe for the children as well as everyone else in the whole house.
4. The Yard and/or Surroundings: The yard and/or surroundings of the house or property in question must also be kept nicely and neatly. No one ever wants to live in a dirty environment. Everyone desires to live in a very clean and serene environment.
5. Security: Is the house or property in question situated in a secure neighborhood where there is at least little or zero crime incidencies. No one wants to have their valuable property stolen overnight after having worked so hard for it for such a long time. And if the house is situated in crime prone areas, has it been properly secured to help deter or prevent unauthorized access or would be criminals from carrying out their missions? This would normally involve having a wall fence, security surveillance cameras, and heavy security personnel presence such as the police.
As you can probably see from what you’ve read so far, these few five points can go a long way in helping you save time, money and your valuable possessions in the long run. And apparently, these are the same key points to remember when you find yourself in a situation where you have no option but to engage the services of a real estate agent. Ask the agent questions related to these very five key points before you commit yourself to viewing the said piece of property in question.
This list is not conclusive but is just a summary to help you make the right choice and an informed decision regarding the property at hand so you don’t live to regret your actions later and therefore make you want to sale or move out of the said house in question within a short space of time. What you want is to at least stay there for a while or even for ages if you so wish!
NOTE: Looking for a House/Property to Rent, Buy and/or Sale, then click the highlighted words to have a look!
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