HOWEVER, as every learned legal mind knows, to every general rule of law there are always Exceptions! And this principle of exceptions also applies when it comes to buying land in the Republic of Zambia!
You see, the fact that the land in question you intend to buy is NOT YET on title deeds does NOT automatically make it illegal or that it does not belong to the person who professes to be the Owner of the land at the time. People may decide to sell their land which may not be already on title deeds due to a number of factors and these factors may include but not limited to the following:
1) Due to Financial Pressure;
2) Sickness;
3) Change of personal or business investment plans;
4) Due to a workplace transfer;
5) Unfounded and Baseless Fears (F.E.A.R: False Experiences Appearing Real);
6) Due to long periods of time and costly processes associated with the subdivisions of land and eventual obtaining of title deeds for their land as they may not have sufficient financial muscle at the time to do this particular work as well as lack the patience to wait for the title deed documents to come out;
7) Or Simply want to quickly get some cash out of their land to solve some emergency problems such as school fees, pressing court case issues, etc.
Therefore, due to the above factors and many, many other factors not enumerated herein, a seller might decide to sell his or her land to a buyer in waiting as long as such a buyer does not mind buying such a piece of land without the actual title deed documents being in place provided actual ownership of the land in question can be properly ascertained via other alternative methods of proving and establishing actual ownership which I shall explain later on in brief.
You see, in my experience of being a real estate investment agent, I've discovered a secret strategy used by most savvy real estate investors who own a lot of real properties or real estate in diverse places of the Republic of Zambia - whether residential or commercial properties. What these people do is this: they identify and buy land or real properties at give away prices which many ordinary people are scared to death to buy due to the land in question seemingly lacking proper documentation. These people buy such land at give away prices after satisfying themselves of the genuineness of the land in question including its alleged owner through alternative means or methods of proving and establishing actual ownership and then proceed to put the paperwork or documentation of the land in question properly. After obtaining all the necessary paperwork in form of title deeds, they then proceed to re-sell this very land at higher price values than what they initially got it at. This is their secret real estate investment strategy to buying land. They buy land very cheaply which everyone is scared to death to buy due to lack of proper paperwork by taking advantage of the incomplete paperwork and then proceeding to complete the paperwork to its fullest and then either finally cash in heavily or get to keep the properties for long term investment rewards!
This investment strategy has always been used by a number of well-known, savvy and wealthiest capitalist or investors who look for lucrative investment opportunities in areas where others are scared to death to invest in (such as war zone areas) by moving in early before the dust settles so that by the time the dust finally settles down, they are already fully established and running their businesses successfully thus giving them the unfair advantage in terms of investment returns!
1) Ask for an Offer Letter issued by either a local Council or by the Ministry of Lands Bureau. The said Offer Letter if any must contain the seller's names and other particulars such as NRC Nos. etc;
2) In the absence of an Offer Letter, then ask for a Local Council Recommendation Letter which should also show among other things the seller's names and NRC Nos.;
3) In the absence of the local Council Recommendation Letter, ask for either Local Council Minutes, any other relevant official correspondences pertaining to the land in question, and/or even get an official and personal assurance from Higher Authorities in relation to the land in question issued by the local Council and its officials;
4) Ask neighbouring plot or landowners about the authenticity and genuineness of the plot or land in question including what the neighbouring plot owners think might be the true and original owner of the said piece of land you are interested in. Do such an inquiry or investigation surreptitiously without the seller or his or her agents knowing about your private inquiries and/or investigations;
5) Ask also for the local Council Proposed or Approved Legal Diagrams or Maps regarding the entire stretch of land as well as ask for the specific plot number and position of the plot on the diagram in question;
6) Finally, ask for cash receipts if any paid in connection with the particular piece of land or plot!
The above methods of proving and establishing actual ownership of land where title deeds have not yet been obtained may be used and/or applied collectively or singularly depending on the particular circumstances of a given real life scenario.
Therefore, do not miss out on a great and excellent real estate investment opportunity to buy land very cheaply just because the land in question doesn't have title deeds. However, like in every other investment opportunity, please make sure you do your own independent research, due diligence and investigations to avoid the unthinkable happening as usual!
Finally, one more cardinal point to take note of seriously is this: if you were to buy for instance a piece of land in the Silverest Area of Lusaka Province which is already on title deeds, then you would have to be prepared to spend an average barest minimum price of between K100, 000 (approximately $5,556) and about K150, 000 (approximately $8,334) or above for a minimum plot size of 20m x 30m (or 600 square metres) that is. Whereas, in the Meanwood Chamba Valley Kwamwena Area, a titled plot size of 50m x 50m (or rather: 2500 square metres or half an Acre) would cost an average barest minimum price of between K200, 000 (approximately $11,112) and K250,000 (approximately $13,889) or above depending on a particular seller’s price preferences!
Well, simple. I've been in this real estate investment agency business for some time now. I've also garnered enough experience and expert knowledge in this field along the process of doing and conducting this business.
Also, there are tried and tested ways or methods of valuing real properties or land you wish to buy or invest in before you actually cash in and these are:
1. USING COMPARABLE SALES VALUES: This is a cost effective way or method of establishing and coming up with real estate property values. Simply find out from other recent buyers as to what price range exactly have homogeneous or similar properties or similar land size recently been sold out at in the area you are interested to buy land in. And then compare that with the price the current seller is offering you at. If the current seller is offering you his or her land at a price range similar in range or slightly lower in range, then chances are that you have a very good bargain!
If however, the price range you are being offered is higher than the average prices in the area of your choice, then most likely it is not a good bargain! Simply respectively and majestically walk away and find other properties to buy elsewhere....
For more info on other real property valuation methods, Click ->HERE!
And in conclusion as always, please, please make sure you do your own independent research and due diligence before investing your own hard earned money into any kind of investment to avoid the unthinkable happening. This information herein is given for educational purposes and does not constitute or should be held as direct professional advice. Always do your own independent investigations and research to verify the authenticity and genuineness of the information given or simply consult other independent professionals and/or local authorities such as local Councils concerned or the Ministry response for land if it is a land issue for verification and validation of information and advice given!!!!!!
Talk to You soon. And stay blessed and go well in your own real estate investment opportunity endeavours!
1. 45m x 35m plot in Lusaka West Area @ K60,000; ((Pay 50%, Down Payment for this particular Plot and the Remainder on Flexible Terms);
2. 25m x 20m plot in Waterfalls Residential Area @ K85,000;
3. 25m x 20m plot in Meanwood Ndeke East Residential Area, Phase 1 @ K130,000;
4. 12m x 30m plot in Vorna Valley Residential Area situated about 400m away from the Tarmac Road @ K150,000;
5. 70m x 70m (1 Acre) plots in Palabana Residential Area situated direct opposite Palabana University @ K150,000 each;
6. 70m x 70m (1 Acre) plots in Chipalesa Area situated between National Housing Authority's Emerald Park and Savenda Farms off Leopards Hill Road @ K150,000 each;
7. 25m x 20m plot in Meanwood Ndeke Phase 1 @ K180,00;
8. 20m x 30m plot in Makeni Konga near Jehovah's witnesses situated about 200 metres away from the Tarmac Road and behind Makeni Police Station @ K190,000;
9. 18 Hectares Land in Kapyanga Area of Lusaka West formerly a Farming Resettlement Scheme Area @ K14,000 per Hectare;
10. 3 Hectares Land on Title Deed at 15 Miles Area and situated approximately 5 Kilometers away from the Great North Road @ K150,000 per Hectare;
11. 40m x 50m plot in Waterfalls Residential Area @ K350,000;
12. 20m x 25m plot with a structure built upto lintel level in Meanwood Ndeke Phase 1 @ K400,000; and last but not the least,
13. 30m x 50m plots off Airport Road behind Harvest Filling Station @ K550,000 each!!!
All Prices Highly Negotiable! You may also pay a 50% Down Payment and the remainder in 3 to 4 months time!!!!!!!
Interested? Then Call David Kapalu Right Now on +260 966 388525 / +260 977 805045 / 0955 168754 or Simply Whatsapp: +260 966 388525. MZIEA No: 321.
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David Kapalu is a Real Estate Investment Consultant who happens to be a duly Registered Member of the Zambian Institute of Estate Agents, an Internet Marketing Specialist, Motivational Speaker, Public Speaker, Life Coach, Crypto-Currency Investor, Enthusiast and Trainer. He is also a 4th Year Bachelor’s Degree Law Student Studying with the Zambian Open University. He is Someone who Understands his Subject so Well and Knows how to Reduce Complex Matters into Simple to Understand Matters.
Therefore, Call/WhatsApp/Sms him right now on +260 966 388525 and contract him for one on one real estate investment advice!
He also stands ready to be booked for speaking engagements as well as offer free and paid radio and television interviews with any individual or organization interested in him sharing his deep insight and understanding of real estate matters as well as offer legal advice pertaining to land rights and ownership in the Zambian Market Land Scape!