You see, real estate investment plays a very critical role in the economic development of any country, Zambia included.
And in order to help stimulate the real estate investment market or industry in Zambia, several unique and innovative strategies can and should be implemented by our Zambian Government including Ourselves as Players in the industry. Some of these strategies include but are not limited to the following:
1. Establishment of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) locally Known as Real Estate Collective Investment Schemes (RECISs) - Per Part X, Section 121 of the Securities Act, No 41 of 2016 of the Laws of the Republic of Zambia:
2. Development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Locally Known as Multi Facility Economic Zones (MFEZs):
For Details on How to Take Advantage of such Incentives in the Zambian Real Estate Investment Industry either as a Local or Foreign investor, See and Read this Blog Post by clicking >>>HERE!
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3. Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):
4. Introducing and/or Encouraging Real Estate Crowdfunding Solutions:
5. Incentives for Green Building Initiatives:
6. Enhanced Regulatory Framework:
This is the more reason why the Zambian Institute of Estate Agents (ZIEA) has taken the initiative to embark on reviewing and revising it's current law namely the "Estate Agents Act, No. 21 of 2000" which regulates the practice and conduct of real estate agency business in the Republic of Zambia in order to strengthen this law, embrace and cater for new developments in the industry and align it with international standards and norms on the practice, conduct and regulation of this vital industry in the Republic of Zambia.
7. Investment in Infrastructure Development:
8. Adaptive Reuse Strategies:
For instance, one of my close associates namely Samjoe Sitali who lives in the Barlastone Park Residential Area of Lusaka City, Zambia, indicated to me that most of the property owners in this neighborhood have actually used and applied this strategy very well and successfully in that majority of them have transformed their underutilized and underperforming various properties such as lodges and private residencies into "Boarding Houses" in order to service the growing student population at Eden University. The result has been more income earned by these property owners due to the surge in demand for this specific type of accommodation in this area.
A single bed space in this area now costs between a minimum of K1,500 to about K2,000 per month (approximately between $63 to about $83 per bed space per month)!
This is the power of using and applying this real estate investment strategy of adaptive reuse in one's investment toolkit depending on the current local economic conditions or trends obtaining in a particular local real estate market!!!!
There are actually more local real estate market neighborhoods in Lusaka City or Province including the rest of the country where the "adaptive reuse strategy" of real estate investment can be used and applied to enable an investor transform underutilized and underperforming properties into profitable ventures. If you need more info or details on this, then simply get in touch with me and I should be able to gladly provide you with basic advise on this issue!
9. Collaborative Partnerships:
10. Real Estate Investment Players:
For Details on How to Use and Apply These Creative Finance Strategies, See and Read This Blog Post by clicking >>HERE!
Also, See and Read This Other Blog Post by Clicking >>HERE!
You'll Be Happy You Did Read The Blog Posts Above!!!
11. Technology Integration:
Interested in Blockchain Based Real Estate Investing, Then Read this Blog Post by Clicking>>HERE! for FREE Details!!!
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"Problems Increase When Solutions Are Ignored" - Per Dr. Myles Munroe.
About The Author - David Kapalu
Therefore, Call/WhatsApp/Sms him right now on +260 966 388525 and contact him for one on one real estate investment advice or legal advice!
He also stands ready to be booked for speaking engagements as well as offer free and paid radio and television interviews with any individual or organization interested in him sharing his deep insight and understanding of real estate matters as well as offer legal advice pertaining to land rights and ownership in the Zambian Market Landscape!!!!